18 With a Bullet follows the lives of members of the 18th Street gang in El Salvador. It chronicles the activities of this notorious Central American gang, which originated in Los Angeles and expanded to El Salvador in the 19...
Aleister Crowley: The Wickedest Man in the World explores the life and legacy of one of the most controversial figures in modern occultism. It traces Crowley’s journey from his upbringing in a strict religious household...
An Open Secret exposes the hidden world of child sexual abuse in Hollywood. Directed by Amy Berg, the film follows the stories of five former child actors who were victimized by multiple predators within the entertainment ind...
At the Heart of Gold exposes the systemic abuse within USA Gymnastics, focusing on the crimes of former team doctor Larry Nassar. It explores how Nassar, over the course of two decades, sexually abused hundreds of young gymna...
Banaz: A Love Story chronicles the tragic fate of Banaz Mahmod, a young British-Kurdish woman murdered in an honor killing by her own family in London. Directed by Deeyah Khan, the film presents Banaz’s story through he...
Behind Bars takes viewers inside San Quentin, one of America’s most notorious prisons. Over the course of two weeks, British filmmaker Louis Theroux interacts with inmates and guards, offering a unique glimpse into the...
Beware the Slenderman unravels the disturbing story of a violent crime committed by two 12-year-old girls in Wisconsin. It focuses on the 2014 incident where Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser lured their friend Payton Leutner in...
Capturing the Friedmans tells the story of a seemingly typical upper-middle-class family from Long Island, New York whose lives are transformed when the father, Arnold Friedman, and his youngest son, Jesse, are arrested and c...
Charles Manson: Journey Into Evil offers a sobering analysis of the life and beliefs of the infamous murderer and cult leader Charles Manson. Narrated by Judy Muller, it features interviews with Manson and those who have clos...
Chris Watts: Confession Untold is a gripping exploration of one of the most shocking and heartbreaking criminal cases in recent memory. It delves deep into the tragic events that unfolded in August 2018, when Chris Watts murd...
Cocaine Cowboys chronicles the rise of the cocaine trade in Miami during the 1970s and 1980s. It presents a stark portrayal of how the illegal drug industry transformed a sleepy retirement community into the epicenter of a $2...
Cocaine Cowboys 2 presents the gripping story of Charles Cosby, a small-time cocaine dealer from Oakland, California, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he writes a fan letter to the infamous “Cocaine Godmother...