The Jewish Americans is a three-part series tracing 350 years of Jewish history in the United States. Directed by David Grubin, it chronicles the journey of Jewish immigrants from their arrival in 1654 to the present day. The...
Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire presents a detailed narrative of the significant events that shaped the Roman Empire, focusing on pivotal moments that influenced its trajectory. This six-part series offers a blen...
Engineering an Empire presents a captivating journey through the monumental engineering achievements of some of history’s most influential civilizations. Hosted by Peter Weller, this History Channel series spans 14 epis...
Genghis Khan presents the life and legacy of the 13th-century Mongol warlord through a combination of dramatic reenactments and historical analysis. Co-produced by the BBC and Discovery Channel UK, it aims to provide a more n...
Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport recounts the remarkable rescue operation that saved the lives of over 10,000 Jewish and other children from Nazi-controlled territories in the months leading up to Wo...
In 1993, a 51-day standoff in Waco, Texas between US law enforcement and the religious sect known as the Branch Davidians resulted in over 75 of the group’s members being killed and four federal agents losing their live...