TimeScapes showcases the breathtaking landscapes, wildlife, and people of the American Southwest through stunning slow-motion and timelapse cinematography. Directed by award-winning cinematographer Tom Lowe, this non-narrativ...
Super Smart Animals takes us on a global journey to discover the remarkable intelligence of various animal species. Hosted by Liz Bonnin, this BBC production showcases the cognitive abilities of creatures ranging from dolphin...
Frozen Planet takes viewers on an extraordinary journey to the Earth’s polar regions, showcasing the unique and breathtaking landscapes of the Arctic and Antarctic. This seven-part series, narrated by David Attenborough...
Samsara is a non-narrative documentary exploring the wonders of our world. Directed by Ron Fricke, this visually stunning film takes its name from the Sanskrit word referring to the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Shot ove...
The Last Lions follows the journey of a lioness named Ma di Tau (“Mother of Lions”) and her cubs as they struggle to survive in Botswana’s Okavango Delta. Set against the backdrop of Africa’s dwindling...
Cave of Forgotten Dreams takes viewers on a journey into the Chauvet Cave in Southern France, home to some of the oldest known human-painted images. Directed by Werner Herzog, it provides a rare glimpse into this restricted s...
What Darwin Never Knew presents a fascinating journey into the world of evolutionary biology, uncovering the hidden mechanisms that drive the diversity of life on Earth. It takes us from the Galapagos Islands to the Arctic, s...
The Botany of Desire presents a unique perspective on the relationship between humans and plants, based on Michael Pollan’s book of the same name. It takes us on a journey through the complex world of plant domesticatio...
The Cove presents a gripping exposé of dolphin hunting practices in Taiji, Japan. Directed by Louie Psihoyos, it follows former dolphin trainer Ric O’Barry on his mission to document and reveal the hidden activities tak...
Encounters at the End of the World takes viewers on a journey to Antarctica, guided by the unique perspective of filmmaker Werner Herzog. The documentary showcases the continent’s stark beauty and introduces the eccentr...
Planet Earth is a groundbreaking nature series narrated by David Attenborough that takes viewers on a global journey across diverse habitats and ecosystems, showcasing the planet’s remarkable biodiversity and natural wo...
Walking with Monsters brings to life the ancient creatures that inhabited Earth millions of years ago during the Paleozoic era. Narrated by Kenneth Branagh, this BBC series reconstructs the evolutionary journey from the Cambr...