The Amazing Johnathan ruled Las Vegas with his unique blend of comedy and magic for thirteen years. Audiences couldn’t get enough of the irreverent magician who often made himself the butt of various jokes. The ride see...
An Honest Liar chronicles the life story of James Randi, a celebrated magician, escape artist, and skeptic. With a profound career on American television and stage, he has delighted several generations with his incredible esc...
Filmmakers Darren R. Reid and Brett Sanders tackle the complex topic of depression and comedy in Looking for Charlie: Life and Death in the Silent Era. They delve into the undeniable fame of silent-era comedians such as Charl...
Man On Wire relates the true story of Philippe Petit’s famous high-wire walk between the World Trade Center’s twin towers on August 7th, 1974. His awe-inspiring feat turned him into a media sensation. Petit’s adventure starte...
Filmmaker Cedric Dahl travels the US West coast from San Diego to the Burning Man in the Nevada Desert with five talented freerunners who have taken up Parkour for various reasons: to channel away anger & frustration, to...