Man On Wire relates the true story of Philippe Petit’s famous high-wire walk between the World Trade Center’s twin towers on August 7th, 1974. This awe-inspiring feat turned Petit into a media sensation. Petit’s adventure sta...
An Honest Liar tells the captivating story of James “The Amazing” Randi, a world-renowned magician, escape artist, and skeptic who dedicated his life to exposing frauds and charlatans. Born in Canada in 1928, Rand...
Always Amazing explores the extraordinary life and career of The Amazing Johnathan, a groundbreaking magician-comedian who captivated audiences with his unique blend of magic tricks and irreverent humor. It takes viewers on a...
Parkour: People in Motion follows the journey of five parkour practitioners as they travel along the US West Coast, showcasing their passion for movement and the transformative power of this urban sport. Over the course of ni...
Looking for Charlie: Life and Death in the Silent Era uncovers the forgotten lives of two influential Edwardian comedians, Marceline Orbes and Francis ‘Slivers’ Oakley, who inspired silent film legends Charlie Cha...