‘Til Kingdom Come explores the complex and often surprising relationship between American evangelical Christians and the state of Israel. Directed by Maya Zinshtein, it offers a nuanced examination of the political, rel...
A Good American tells the story of William Binney, a former National Security Agency (NSA) analyst and crypto-mathematician who developed a revolutionary surveillance program called ThinThread. This program had the potential...
Active Measures investigates the complex web of connections between Donald Trump, his associates, and Russian officials. Directed by Jack Bryan, it presents a comprehensive examination of alleged Russian interference in the 2...
After Truth delves into the dangerous world of fake news and its real-world consequences. Directed by Andrew Rossi, it explores several high-profile cases of disinformation campaigns and their devastating impact on individual...
American Blackout focuses on the political career of black Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and the broader issues of voter disenfranchisement in the United States. Directed by Ian Inaba, it chronicles McKinney’s 2002 def...
American Drug War presents a critical look at the United States’ long-standing war on drugs. Directed by Kevin Booth, it was inspired by the deaths of four of his family members from legal drugs. Through interviews with...
American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein tells the story of controversial political scientist Norman Finkelstein, the son of holocaust survivors who is well known for his polarising views on Jewish-American politica...
Apartheid Did Not Die presents John Pilger’s return to South Africa after being banned for his reporting during the apartheid era. It focuses on the economic disparities that persist in post-apartheid South Africa, desp...
Bitter Lake presents a complex narrative about the political and historical forces that have shaped Afghanistan and its relationship with the West. Directed by Adam Curtis, it weaves together archival footage, interviews, and...
Boer Separatists follows Louis Theroux as he travels to South Africa to meet a small community of individuals who view themselves as an oppressed minority in a post-apartheid world. It focuses on a group of white South Africa...
Can’t Get You Out of My Head is a captivating six-part series by renowned filmmaker Adam Curtis that attempts to unravel the complex tapestry of modern society, exploring how we arrived at our current state of global un...
Citizenfour uncovers the secret and illegal practices of the U.S. National Security Agency’s mass surveillance programme using classified documents revealed by NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden. It aims to shed light on the i...