HyperNormalisation presents a complex narrative of how our world has become increasingly confusing and seemingly out of control. Directed by Adam Curtis, it takes viewers on a journey through the last 40 years of global event...
Ukraine on Fire presents a controversial perspective on the 2014 Ukrainian revolution and its aftermath. Directed by Igor Lopatonok and executive produced by Oliver Stone, it offers a narrative that challenges the mainstream...
Where to Invade Next presents a unique perspective on global social policies through the lens of American filmmaker Michael Moore as he embarks on a journey across several countries, primarily in Europe, to showcase various s...
A Good American tells the story of William Binney, a former National Security Agency (NSA) analyst and crypto-mathematician who developed a revolutionary surveillance program called ThinThread. This program had the potential...
Winter on Fire chronicles the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine from November 2013 to February 2014. It captures the events over 93 days, focusing on the uprising against President Viktor Yanukovych and his government’s de...
The Brainwashing of My Dad presents filmmaker Jen Senko’s personal journey to understand her father’s radical transformation from a non-political Democrat to an angry, right-wing Republican. Through her fatherR...
Requiem for the American Dream features Noam Chomsky, one of the most influential intellectuals of our time, as he discusses the defining characteristic of contemporary American society: the deliberate concentration of wealth...
Bitter Lake presents a complex narrative about the political and historical forces that have shaped Afghanistan and its relationship with the West. Directed by Adam Curtis, it weaves together archival footage, interviews, and...
Citizenfour uncovers the secret and illegal practices of the U.S. National Security Agency’s mass surveillance programme using classified documents revealed by NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden. It aims to shed light on the i...
The Hacker Wars unveils the personal stories of three prominent hacktivists: Andrew “Weev” Aurenheimer, Barrett Brown, and Jeremy Hammond. These individuals navigate a complex landscape of activism and resistance...
Guantanamo: Blacked Out Bay unveils a closer look inside the most notorious prison centre in the world, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba. This prison was intended to be the house the world’s greatest terrorist...
Secret State of North Korea offers a rare glimpse into the isolated world of North Korea under the rule of Kim Jong Un. It features undercover footage smuggled out of the country by a network of ordinary North Koreans who ris...