Banaz: A Love Story chronicles the tragic fate of Banaz Mahmod, a young British-Kurdish woman murdered in an honor killing by her own family in London. Directed by Deeyah Khan, the film presents Banaz’s story through he...
My Hometown Fanatics follows journalist Stacey Dooley as she returns to her birthplace of Luton, England to investigate the rise of Islamic extremism in the area. It captures Dooley’s interactions with various members o...
In 2008 two Swedish sisters, Ursula and Sabina Eriksson, were filmed by BBC cameras throwing themselves into oncoming traffic on a British motorway. The shocking scenes came to national attention in the UK where it was watche...
Black Tar Heroin: The Dark End of the Street follows the lives of five young heroin addicts in San Francisco over a period of three years. It chronicles the experiences of Jake, Jessica, Tracey, Oreo, and Alice as they naviga...
Survivalists follows Louis Theroux as he ventures into the world of American survivalists, takes him to the remote areas of Idaho and Montana where he meets individuals and groups preparing for what they believe to be an impe...
The Social Dilemma explores the dark side of social media and its impact on society. The film features interviews with former executives and employees of major tech companies, who share their insights and concerns about the m...
Finding My Twin Stranger investigates the phenomenon of doppelgängers – unrelated individuals who bear a striking resemblance to one another. It follows researchers from the Department of Twin Research at St Thomas̵...
HyperNormalisation presents a complex narrative of how our world has become increasingly confusing and seemingly out of control. Directed by Adam Curtis, it takes viewers on a journey through the last 40 years of global event...
13th uncovers the deep-rooted connections between slavery, racial inequality, and mass incarceration in the United States. Directed by Ava DuVernay, it takes viewers on a journey through American history, revealing how the Th...
The Fear of 13 presents the extraordinary story of Nick Yarris, a man who spent over two decades on death row for a crime he did not commit. Directed by David Sington, it showcases Yarris as the sole on-screen presence, recou...
Requiem for the American Dream features Noam Chomsky, one of the most influential intellectuals of our time, as he discusses the defining characteristic of contemporary American society: the deliberate concentration of wealth...
Twin Sisters: A World Apart tells the remarkable true story of identical twin sisters separated at birth and adopted by families on opposite sides of the world. It follows the lives of Mia and Alexandra, two girls born in Chi...