The Rainman Twins
The Rainman Twins tells the story of Flo and Kay Lyman, the only known autistic-savant identical twin sisters in the world. These remarkable women possess extraordinary memory capabilities, able to recall an vast array of details including dates, weather conditions, songs, food, and people they’ve encountered over the past 50 years.
Initially thought to be mentally disabled and subjected to bullying in their youth, Flo and Kay’s unique abilities went unrecognized for years. Their childhood was marked by trauma, including a harrowing incident where their mother, who struggled to accept them, attempted to take their lives. Following their parents’ passing, the twins moved in with their sister Jane, where they developed intense interests in television and celebrities.
The documentary showcases the sisters’ obsession with Dick Clark and his show “The $100,000 Pyramid.” They meticulously charted every aspect of the program, from the questions asked to Clark’s comments, transforming their bedroom into a shrine dedicated to the celebrity host. Their lives took a challenging turn when Clark’s show was cancelled and he later suffered a stroke, events that significantly disrupted their need for regularity and repetition.
Throughout the film, TV anchor and former DJ Dave Wagner, who has been documenting the twins’ lives for over a decade, provides insight into their world. The documentary also features expert evaluations of their savant abilities by specialists Darold Treffert and Nancy Isenberg.
While highlighting Flo and Kay’s extraordinary capabilities, the film also underscores the fragility of their lives and the challenges they face. It offers a unique glimpse into the world of autistic savants, showcasing both the sisters’ remarkable gifts and the complexities of their daily existence.