Our Planet is a groundbreaking nature series that explores the intricate beauty and fragility of Earth’s ecosystems. Narrated by David Attenborough, it takes viewers on a journey across the globe, showcasing diverse hab...
Dynasties presents an intimate portrayal of five remarkable animal families, each fighting for their future in an increasingly challenging natural world. The series follows these iconic species at the most critical period in...
Attenborough and the Empire of the Ants takes David Attenborough to the Swiss Jura Mountains, where he uncovers the secrets of a remarkable ant society. Beneath the frozen winter landscape lies an intricate network of tunnels...
Blue Planet II is a captivating nature series that takes viewers on an extraordinary journey through the world’s oceans. Narrated by David Attenborough, it showcases the incredible diversity and beauty of marine life, f...
Planet Earth II is a fascinating nature series that showcases the remarkable diversity and resilience of life on Earth. Narrated by David Attenborough, it takes viewers on an extraordinary journey across various habitats, fro...
Forest, Field & Sky: Art Out of Nature takes viewers on a captivating journey through six distinct British landscapes, showcasing the intricate relationship between art, nature, and human creativity. Presented by Dr. Jame...
The Man Who Swims with Crocodiles chronicles the extraordinary relationship between Gilberto “Chito” Shedden, a Costa Rican fisherman, and Pocho, a 445-kilogram American crocodile. This remarkable tale of interspe...
Blackfish shines a light on the controversial practice of keeping orcas in captivity for entertainment purposes. It centers on Tilikum, a male orca responsible for the deaths of three people, including SeaWorld trainer Dawn B...
Africa takes viewers on a journey through various regions of the continent, showcasing its breathtaking landscapes and the incredible adaptations of the animals that inhabit them.. Narrated by David Attenborough, the series c...
Galapagos with David Attenborough presents a captivating journey through the unique ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands. This three-part series narrated by David Attenborough showcases the extraordinary wildlife and geological...
Leviathan captures the harsh reality of commercial fishing off the coast of New Bedford, Massachusetts. Directors Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel from Harvard’s Sensory Ethnography Lab present an immersive exp...
Planet Ocean takes us on a remarkable journey through the world’s oceans, showcasing the intricate relationships between marine life and human civilization. Directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot, this cine...