K-Pop Idols: Inside the Hit Factory
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K-Pop Idols: Inside the Hit Factory

K-Pop is dominating the music industry and is currently one of the hottest trends in pop music. This Korean style of pop is different than what the western world is used to, and it’s starting to take the US and UK by storm. Do these pop stars have what it takes to take the throne of pop music from the West?

In K-Pop Idols: Inside the Hit Factory, music journalist James Ballardie takes a trip to Seoul to learn more about the K-Pop fascination. He meets with Soo-Man Lee, the man behind the phenomenon to learn more about their culture and influences in the music industry.

Is K-Pop ready to take over the pop music industry, or is it just another fad? The documentary takes a look at the making of K-Pop stars and how they keep coming out on top.

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