Are You Good or Evil?
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Are You Good or Evil?

Are You Good or Evil presents a fascinating journey into the scientific realm of morality and human behavior. It brings together researchers who have studied some of the most depraved minds in the world, including those who have committed unspeakable acts against society.

The film introduces scientists pioneering new developments in the science of the mind. One researcher claims to have discovered the location of the ‘moral molecule’ in the brain, while others are working to bring about changes in our criminal justice system. Through various studies and experiments, the documentary showcases how morality appears to be something we are born with, as demonstrated by tests involving virtual reality scenarios and babies’ responses to ‘good’ and ‘bad’ puppets.

The documentary dedicates considerable attention to the concept of psychopathy and its biological underpinnings. Robert Hare’s analysis of brain PET scans reveals patterns of damage in specific areas of the brain associated with impulsivity and emotion in psychopaths. The film also explores the controversial ‘warrior gene’ and its potential link to violent behavior.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the documentary is the case of Professor Jim Fallon, a neuroscientist who discovered that his own brain scan and genetic profile matched those of a psychopath. This revelation raises questions about the interplay between genetics, environment, and personal choices in shaping human behavior.

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