Down to Earth
Down to Earth follows a family along a 5-year journey seeking ancient wisdom and unique experiences from those who live more “down to earth” – the Keepers of the Earth. With just one backpack each and one camera, the family sets out on an extensive journey, along 5 oceans and 6 continents, visiting tribal communities in hopes of gaining a new perspective on life.
When Renata and Rolf made the decision to embark on this enlightening journey with their children, they did not set out in hopes of making a documentary. About 3 years into their journey, they realized the impact they could make on the world if they shared the knowledge and teachings of the elders they were learning from along their journey.
Come along with the family and discover the Keepers of the Earth’s perspective on the new world in which we live, much different from their ancient, spiritual way of life. Listen to their ideas on how we can come to live a more fulfilling and happier life.