
Boer Separatists

Boer Separatists

Apartheid, or the South African system of segregation and discrimination based on race, officially came to an end on 27 April, 1994. For some, however, apartheid was a relic of a better time and a system that should be reinst...
Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq

Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq

John Pilger investigates the effects of sanctions on the Iraqi civilian population and reveals that the ten years of extraordinary isolation, enforced by Britain and the US and imposed by the United Nations, has resulted in a...
Apartheid Did Not Die

Apartheid Did Not Die

Apartheid Did Not Die makes the case that many of the facets of apartheid remain even after the end of the South Africa’s minority rule and the subsequent presidency of revolutionary leader Nelson Mandela. John Pilger r...
War By Other Means

War By Other Means

War By Other Means explores how banks in the First World advance loans to Third World Countries who then struggle to meet the crippling interest charges. The film investigates the catastrophic effects of loans provided by the...
Hearts and Minds

Hearts and Minds

Hearts and Minds by Peter Davis delivers a brutally honest view of the Vietnam War and the involvement of the United States. Its title is based on a part of a speech given by President Lyndon B. Johnson in which he stated tha...