
The 11th Hour

The 11th Hour

Narrated and produced by actor Leonardo DiCaprio, The 11th Hour seeks to raise awareness of the depleted state of the earth’s natural environment. It explores how we have arrived at this state by looking at the way we live, o...
Dying for Everest

Dying for Everest

Dying for Everest provides a brutal look at the conquest of climbing the summit of Mount Everest and where morals and practicalities begin and end. Mark Inglis made it to the summit of the world’s highest mountain in May 2006...
My Small Breasts and I

My Small Breasts and I

My Small Breasts and I uncovers the poignant, complex, and at times amusing relationship that women have with their small breasts. Speaking candidly, three women disclose how they actually feel about their own breasts and bod...
Taxi To The Dark Side

Taxi To The Dark Side

Taxi To The Dark Side explores the United States’ use of torture and focuses on the case of an innocent Afghan man who was beaten to death by American soldiers while being held in a detention facility. In the winter of 2002,...
My Big Breasts and Me

My Big Breasts and Me

My Big Breasts and Me follows the daily life of three women with large breasts while exposing the harsh reality of the judgments and responses that the shapes of their bosoms attract. In addition to their suffering from socia...
The Most Hated Family in America

The Most Hated Family in America

The Most Hated Family in America, presented by Louis Theroux, investigates the lives and activities of members of the Westboro Baptist Church, who have attracted significant controversy due to their uncompromising stance on h...


Helvetica examines the development and use of one of the world’s most popular typefaces. Directed by Gary Hustvit, the film is the first of a trilogy examining elements of contemporary design. Hustvit spoke to numerous...
The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom

The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom

The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom is a BBC series written and directed by Adam Curtis that takes on the idea of freedom, particularly as it pertains to a modern conception that sees humans as self-serving indivi...
Secret History of the Freemasons

Secret History of the Freemasons

Secret History of the Freemasons explores one of the world’s most mysterious and secretive organisations. The centuries-old fraternal order is explored through the eyes of both masons and non-masons, addressing many of...
This is the Zodiac Speaking

This is the Zodiac Speaking

This is the Zodiac Speaking explores America’s most famous unsolved murders through a fresh perspective by individuals who worked on the Zodiac killer investigation. The Zodiac terrorised California in 1969 with a serie...
Gambling in Las Vegas

Gambling in Las Vegas

Gambling in Las Vegas follows Louis Theroux as he travels to Las Vegas, a city popular for its bustling casinos filled with tourists hoping to become rich. He meets several people who have dedicated significant time and money...