
Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom

Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom

Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom by Evgeny Afineevsky chronicles the Euromaidan protest movement in Ukraine in 2013-2014. The demonstrations began as a response to the Ukrainian government’s refusal to sign a...
Requiem for the American Dream

Requiem for the American Dream

Requiem for the American Dream is the result of four years’ worth of interviews with political activist and linguist Noam Chomsky. Considered by many to be one of the most important intellectuals alive, he discusses how wealt...
The Mission to Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth

The Mission to Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth

South Korean scientists are currently working to resurrect the extinct woolly mammoth by cloning the DNA of a well preserved specimen discovered in the Siberian snow. The hope is to find intact cells from the carcass of this...
Transgender Kids

Transgender Kids

Transgender Kids tackles a topic that generates a lot of controversy around the world: transgender children who transition before they are legal adults. In San Francisco, a group of doctors are working closely with the LGBTQ+...
Twin Sisters: A World Apart

Twin Sisters: A World Apart

Twin Sisters: A World Apart tells the story of twin sisters from China who were adopted by different families. One set of parents lived in California, while the other hailed from a remote fishing village in Norway. Mia become...
The Choice is Ours

The Choice is Ours

The Choice is Ours portrays an optimistic outlook of the world where we utilise science and technology for the benefit of humankind and the planet. It explores the myth behind ‘human nature’ and demonstrates that...
The Crazy Gang

The Crazy Gang

The Crazy Gang documents the famous Wimbledon F.C. team of the 1980s and 90s, nicknamed the ‘Crazy Gang’ due to the brutish nature of its players. It contains exclusive interviews with players from the era, includ...
The Psychopath Next Door

The Psychopath Next Door

The Psychopath Next Door examines the non-criminal psychopaths that live among us, often holding respectable positions in society. People tend to think of psychopaths as murderers and monsters, excessive and dramatic characte...
That Sugar Film

That Sugar Film

That Sugar Film follows self-imposed test subject Damon Gameau as he experiences the side-effects a traditional, high-sugar diet on an otherwise healthy body. Prior to the film, he followed a diet of no refined sugar. The upc...
Princes of the Yen

Princes of the Yen

An investigation on the role of central banks and how they can be used to change the economic, political and social structure of a country. In the 1990s, Japan experienced an economic crash during which the stock market dippe...
When Will Humans Live on Mars?

When Will Humans Live on Mars?

The Earth will not exist for ever, whether it’s destruction is brought about by climate change, an apocalyptic asteroid, or some other disaster. However, we are now in the midst of a new space race between explorers see...
Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered

Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered

Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered seeks to uncover the mystery behind the young death of King Tutankhamun, Egypt’s youngest ruler and the most famous pharaoh from the ancient era. Presenter Dallas Campbell covers a varie...